If you followed the launch of Finale v27, you’ve likely heard of the new interactive music sharing feature that makes sharing your notated documents with anyone as simple as a few clicks.
The Comprehensive Guide to Interactive Music Sharing with Finale
Why Share With Finale?
Quick Start Guide
Getting Started
Sharing Your First Piece
Making Updates to Your Shared Music
Playing in SmartMusic
Save Time When Sharing With Finale
As we continue to adapt to an ever-changing world that increasingly relies on remote collaboration, we recognize that music composition is no exception.
Finale Developer Roundtable – Sharing Replay
We sat down with the Finale development team for another roundtable discussion, this time focused on Finale’s powerful new interactive Sharing feature.
Finding Creative Inspiration for Music Creation
Whether you’re a new composer or a seasoned veteran, finding inspiration to get started on a new composition can be one of the most challenging aspects of creating music.