In the latest installment of Finale for Drummers, Tim Buell is back to show you tips and tricks to create great drum charts in Finale.
Finale for Drummers #3: Exporting Finale Notation to MIDI
Tim Buell is back with another video in the Finale for Drummers series, this time focused on exporting Finale notation as MIDI data for use in a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).
Finale for Drummers #2: How to Transcribe a Drum Part
Tim Buell is back with part #2 of Finale for Drummers: How to Transcribe a Drum Part!
Finale for Drummers #1: How to Write Drum Notation in Finale
MakeMusic has partnered with Tim Buell to bring Finale users high-quality music notation tutorials and tips for drummers and percussionists writing their own drum notation.