Finale Blog: Exploring Efficiency with Modifier Maps

Modifier Maps? Hieroglyphics? We’re going on an adventure!

Today I’m going to share a great way to speed up note entry when copying music: Speedy Entry “Modifier Maps.” While this may sound a little “techie,”  it’s actually pretty simple to do.

Modifier Maps allow you to define and assign entry functions (such as note values, ties, dots and navigation) to specific notes on your MIDI keyboard. This increases speed and efficiency by minimizing the need to look down at the computer keyboard, use the mouse, or take your hands off the MIDI keyboard.

Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Select the Speedy Entry Tool
  2. From the Speedy Menu, choose Speedy Options
  3. Click “Create Key Map,” then click the “Listen” button of a function you wish to assign (you can also enter the MIDI value if you know it).
  4. Trigger the MIDI note value you wish to assign. For example, I assign C1 to a quarter note, D1 to an eighth and so on. It may take a bit of experimentation to find what suits you best.
  5. Repeat as needed, then click OK.

Now, let’s try it out:

  1. With the Speedy Tool selected, click on the measure where you want to begin adding notes.
  2. Hold down the MIDI key indicating the pitch you wish to enter.
  3. While keeping that key held down, tap the MIDI note you have previously assigned to a rhythmic value in the Modifier Map Editor.

This method takes a little getting used to, but when you are comfortable with it, it is a seriously fast way to get notes entered!

Finally, I’d suggest making sure “Use MIDI Device for Input” and “Use MIDI Modifier Keys when in MIDI Input mode” are both checked in the Speedy Options dialog, and that MIDI Thru has been turned off in MIDI/Audio Menu >> Device Setup.

Are you using Modifier Maps? Let us know how they’re working for you!


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