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NotePad can play your score back using your computer speakers and its integrated SmartMusic SoftSynth SoundFont sound library. When NotePad plays back, it responds to some musical markings you’ve placed in the score, such as staccato or accent marks using Human Playback technology. For details, see Articulations.

To play back a score

To use Playback Controls

Playback Controls reside on a movable window. They give you several additional controls over the way your score plays back—for example, they contain Play, Stop, Rewind, and Fast Forward buttons.

If, while you’re listening, you catch something you’d like to hear again, click the << button for a few seconds; NotePad will suspend playback, the Measure text box number will decrease (as the program "rewinds"). Release the << button, and playback will begin again (with the number in the Measure text box). Similarly, you can click the >> and | (Rewind to Beginning) buttons at any time during playback.



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