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An articulation is Articulationsa symbol used to tell the player how a particular note is to be played: an accent, staccato mark, for example. NotePad will automatically center the markings and place them the proper distance from the noteheads; you’ll even hear their effect on the music when you play it back.

The Articulation tool is used for placing these markings. An articulation must be attached to a note (or a rest); you can’t insert one into an empty measure. The marking maintains its position relative to that note, even if you transpose it; in fact, the symbol will automatically flip to the opposite side of the note if the stem changes direction, and even switch to a different symbol if the new stem direction warrants (as when a fermata symbol flips upside-down).

To put one articulation mark in the score

To move or delete an articulation

Follow the first step only if the marking’s handle isn’t visible.


In NotePad, dynamics are Articulations; see Articulations. See also Crescendo/Decrescendo.

The rolled-chord marking (a vertical wavy line) uses a special Articulation feature, letting you drag the wavy line to make it as long or as short as you want it to be.

To adjust, move, or delete the rolled chord marking

A trill is often notated with two symbols: the tr indication and a wavy extension line (~) that indicates the length of the trill. Both components of a trill are available as Articulations.

To create a trill or trill extension line (wavy line)

See Also

Articulation Selection dialog box



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