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To place the word "Accelerando" into the score

To assign the expression for playback

Accidentals (Simple Entry)

To add a sharped or flatted note

To raise or lower a note

To add parentheses around accidentals

To hide or show an accidental

Accidentals (Speedy Entry)

To hide (or show) an accidental

To add or change an accidental

To correct accidentals on tied notes

To move an accidental

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To put one articulation mark in the score

To move or delete an articulation

To change the articulation character

To design an articulation

To define an articulation for playback

To apply an articulation to every note in a region

To erase articulations from a region

To center and reposition existing articulations

To quickly change an articulation

To copy articulations

To copy markings based on a rhythmic match

To create an articulation metatool

To remove an articulation from the list

Attack and release


To import an audio file

To export an audio file

Audio Units



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