You are here: SongWriter Tutorials > Tutorial 5: Lyrics, chords, and repeats > Adding chord symbols

Adding chord symbols

Note. To begin at this point, open "Tutorial 5a.MUS."


Using the Chord tool.

Like the Lyrics tool, SongWriter’s Chord tool allows you to type chords directly into your score. Unlike the Lyric tool, however, Chords can be placed over measures with or without any kind of notation in them.

To enter chords manually:

  1. Choose Chord > Manual Input.
  2. Click on beat 1 of measure 2 of the guitar staff. A blinking cursor appears above the staff.
  3. Type the chord "D" and press SPACEBAR four times. Then type the following chords and chord suffixes.

For this example, you would type: G [space] [space] Bm [space] G7 [space] C

SongWriter converts your text to a chord symbol with the correct fonts. Use the spacebar to move from beat to beat (or the TAB key to move to the next measure) and enter the following chords. When an alteration is needed use “b” for a flat and “#” for a sharp.

Note. Turn chord playback on or off by choosing ChordEnable Chord Playback.



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