You are here: Finale Tutorials > Tutorial 4: Layout and Printing > When you're ready to continue

When you’re ready to continue

You’ve learned some very important concepts in this tutorial. In fact, these techniques and principles constitute much of the editing work you’ll need to do in Finale. Here’s a quick review of what you’ve covered, in order:

  1. Use the Measure Tool and Selection Edit Tool to arrange measures.
  2. Use the Music Spacing command to space and align notes, avoid collisions of lyrics and accidentals, and set ideal measure widths.
  3. Especially after using the Music Spacing command, it’s important to choose Update Layout from the Edit menu, so you can see what the final layout will be. You should get in the habit of updating the layout just before printing—so that you never get unexpected results when you print.
  4. Use the Page Layout Tool to adjust the spacing of all systems on the page.
  5. Use the Text Tool to add titles, composer credits, copyright notices, and so on.
  6. Use the Graphics Tool to Import/Export Graphics.

If you’ve had enough for this session, choose Exit (Mac: Quit) from the File menu. If you want to go on, close the document you have open.

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