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Multimeasure rests

You can create a multimeasure rest (or sometimes referred to as a block rest) two different ways with PrintMusic. One way is by Extracting Parts. This will create multimeasure rests in your entire score, and all the rests will look the same.

You can also use the Measure tool to quickly create multimeasure rests in a selected region or for the entire piece.


Note: You must be in Page View to use the Break or Create multimeasure rest commands.

To create a multimeasure rest

When you create parts using PrintMusic’s Extract Parts command, PrintMusic groups all empty measures into multimeasure rests. If you would rather control which measures get combined into multimeasure rests, you can select the measures that you want to combine into a multimeasure rest in your score.

To break a multimeasure rest

When you create parts using PrintMusic’s Extract Parts command, PrintMusic groups all empty measures into multimeasure rests. You can now break one or more multimeasure rests into separate measures. For example, you might prefer that measures are written out if less than four consecutive measures are empty, or you might want to break a single multimeasure rest into two or more rests.



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