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See also Measure layout. 

To add blank measures at the end of the document

To insert blank measures within a document

To erase or remove measures

  1. Choose any tool that allows regional selection. See Selecting music. 
  2. Double-click a measure to select the full measure stack. Highlighting should extend between the staves (or above and below the staff if there is only a single staff).
  3. Press the Delete key, or, from the Edit menu, choose Delete Measure Stack. This removes the selected measures from every staff. The result: your score contains fewer measures.

To delete a measure from a single staff

In general, when you remove a measure from the score, PrintMusic removes the measure in question from every staff in the score. Using the following technique, however, you can remove a measure from a single staff (in effect) by sliding the subsequent measures one measure to the left.

To change one measure’s width

To adjust measure widths in a system

It’s useful to remember that you can adjust the relative widths of the measures in any particular system.

To arrange measures on the page

See Measure layout.



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