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PrintMusic defines a syllable as any letters separated by a space or a hyphen. When you put the lyrics into the score, PrintMusic places the syllable in your score, centers the hyphen between notes, and moves any syllable correspondingly if its notehead moves.

To type lyrics directly into the score

If you make a mistake, just backspace over it by pressing delete. (If you backspace to the previous syllable, PrintMusic highlights the whole syllable so that you can replace it all at once with anything you type.) To change a word you’ve already typed, click in the staff so that the syllable is highlighted, and then type its replacement.

If you encounter a melismatic passage, where one syllable is sustained through several melody notes, press the space bar for each note of the melisma; the cursor will skip ahead to the next note.

Important: When you enter lyrics using this method, pay special attention when entering additional lyric lines, one beneath another. To add a new lyric line, be sure to change Verses before typing in each new line; to do so, choose Specify Current Lyric from the Lyric menu. Otherwise, PrintMusic will believe that all the lyrics, even successive lines, are all part of the same “verse,” and unexpected results may occur.


Tip: if you want a quick MIDI audio check of the notes you’re attaching lyrics to, hold down option and the space bar and drag the cursor across the staff. PrintMusic will play any note the cursor touches, no matter which direction you drag.

To edit lyrics already in the score

To set the font for lyrics globally

This will set the default font for lyrics you are about to enter. It will also change the font for lyrics already entered in the score.

To set the baseline (vertical position) for lyrics

To move or delete a syllable

To draw a “word extension” underline

When a syllable’s note is tied over to another note or sustained through several notes (as in a melisma), a common practice is to draw an underline following the syllable to indicate its extension.

As you enter lyrics, word extensions are defined automatically where appropriate. While using Type Into Score, they do not appear immediately, only after switching out of Type Into Score mode, or changing tools. These underlines are called Smart Word Extensions because they expand and contract along with the music as you enter additional lyrics and modify the page layout. They can also automatically extend over a system breaks.

A Smart Word Extension underline will extend to the next syllable of the same lyric type and number regardless of the baseline difference of the individual syllables. A word extension underline will extend to any syllable provided it lies on the exact same vertical baseline as the previous syllable. Word extensions do not terminate at the startpoint of the next syllable if it is of the same type, but a different number (verse 1, verse 2) regardless of the next syllable’s baseline position.

After word extensions appear in the score, each can be edited manually. To edit word extensions individually:



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