You are here: Tutorials > Tutorial 5: Lyrics, chords, and repeats > Adding repeats

Adding repeats

Using the Repeat tool.

NotePad allows you to easily add repeat barlines that play back.

By the end of this lesson, you will know how to:

  1. Add repeat barlines
  2. Remove repeat barlines

Note. To begin at this point, open "Tutorial 5a.MUS."

Adding repeat barlines

The most basic repeat indication is a forward and backward repeat barline surrounding the repeated music. This can be added easily by selecting the region to be repeated.

To add repeat barlines:

  1. Select the Repeat tool .
  2. Double-click on measure 1 (any staff), then double-click the left repeat bar icon. The repeat appears at the beginning of the first measure.
  3. Double-click measure 16, then double-click the right repeat bar icon. A repeat barline appears at the end of the score, replacing the final barline.

Removing repeat barlines

To remove repeat barlines, with the Repeat tool selected, click the repeat bar handle and press DELETE.

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