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To turn "normal" notes into a tuplet group

  1. Click the Tuplet tool image\Tuplet_Tool.gif.
  2. Click the first note to be included in the tuplet group. The Tuplet Definition dialog box appears.
  3. Specify the rhythmic composition of the tuplet. On the top part of the screen NotePad is asking, "How many notes of what rhythmic value are to fit in the space normally allotted to how many of what value?" Enter the number of each rhythmic value in the text boxes. Specify the rhythmic value itself by selecting the rhythmic-value from the drop-down list.
  4. For example, to define a standard quarter note triplet, you could fill out the values either as "3 (quarters) in the space of 2 (quarters)," or "3 (quarters) in the space of 1 (half)."
  5. Click OK.

To adjust, move, or delete a tuplet

  1. Click the Tuplet tool image\Tuplet_Tool.gif; then click the first note of the tuplet. Handles appear on the tuplet’s bracket (or number).
  2. To reposition the entire tuplet, drag the main handle.
  3. To change the length of the hook, drag the left or right hook handle. NotePad automatically adjusts the other hook to the same length as you drag.
  4. To move the shape closer to or away from the notes, drag the shape handle up or down.
  5. To change the angle of the shape, drag the slope handle.
  6. To move the number closer to or away from the notes, drag the number handle.
  7. To delete the tuplet definition (and restore the notes to "normal"), click any handle and press DELETE.

To create a nested tuplet

To nest tuplets, simply create one, then the other, as described in "To turn ‘normal’ notes into a tuplet group," above. It makes no difference whether you create the outer or inner tuplet first.

To enter tuplets with the Simple Entry tool

  1. Click the Simple Entry tool image\Simple_Entry_Tool.gif.
  2. Click the icon representing the desired note’s duration. Click any accidental tools, if desired.
  3. Click the Simple Tuplet tool image\Tuplet_Tool.gif on the Simple Entry palette.
  4. Click the staff. A note appears where you clicked with rests filling out the rest of the triplet. By default, the triplet will use the duration of the first note to define the triplet. If there isn’t enough room to create the full tuplet or you click within an existing tuplet, NotePad will enter a note of the duration you selected.



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