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Key signatures

To change the key

  1. Click the Key Signature tool image\Key_Signature_Tool.gif. The Key Signature dialog box appears.
  2. Click the up and down scroll-bar arrows until the desired new key signature appears. Scroll up for sharp keys, and down for flat keys.
  3. Specify the direction to move any existing notes. Click on Up to move the notes up; click on Down to move the notes down.
  4. Click OK.

NotePad defaults to a major key system, where the scale that begins on C has no sharps or flats. In such a key system, C is considered by NotePad to be scale degree zero of the scale with no sharps or flats (C major). You can, however, tell NotePad that you’re working in a minor key, where the scale that begins on C has three flats (for example), and in the scale with no sharps or flats (A minor), C is not the root.

To establish a minor key system

  1. Click the Key Signature tool image\Key_Signature_Tool.gif. The Key Signatures dialog box appears.
  2. From the drop-down menu next to the scroll bar, choose Minor Key.
  3. Use the scroll bars at the top of the window to set the minor key signature you want. If you want to select A minor, leave the default key signature (no sharps or flats).
  4. Specify the direction to move any existing notes. Click on Up to move the notes up; click on Down to move the notes down.
  5. Click OK.



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