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Expressions are markings that tell the performer how to interpret (or express) a musical passage. In NotePad, expressions are generally symbols or text placed above or below the staff. Dynamics, tempo indications (Allegro), and performance practice markings (pizz.) are among the figures added as expressions. Because of their positioning characteristics, expressions are best suited for other types of markings as well, such as rehearsal letters. (Although shapes such as slurs and hairpins are also used to communicate the manner of expression, these are generally added as Smart Shapes, whose properties are specially designed for graphical editing. Markings that apply to a single note/beat are added as Articulations.)

For information regarding specific markings (crescendos, and so on), see their individual entries.

To Add and Expression

  1.  Click the Expression tool image\Expression_Tool.gif.
  2. Double-click on, above, or below the note or measure to which you want to attach the marking. To add an expression to multiple staves, click and drag a box around those staves. The Expression Selection dialog box appears.
  3. Double-click an expression to add it to the score. NotePad places the expression into the score. Click and drag the expression to change its attachment point (to a different beat or measure). To position the expression relative to a different staff, drag the expression over the desired staff.

See Also

Expression tool



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