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You can type the lyrics directly into the score, so that you know at all times where you are in the music. NotePad defines a syllable as any letters separated by a space or a hyphen. When you put the lyrics into the score, NotePad places the syllable in your score, centers the hyphen between notes, and moves any syllable correspondingly if its notehead moves.

To type lyrics directly into the score

To edit lyrics already in the score

The method described below is useful for making small changes to lyrics you’ve already placed in the score—correcting a misspelling, for example.

To set the font for lyrics globally

NotePad will change the font of lyrics already entered and any future lyrics.

To set the baseline (vertical position) for lyrics graphically

A hyphen (or a space), when typed in the Lyrics tool, indicates the end of a lyric syllable. NotePad looks for a hyphen or space as its cue to advance to the next melody note.

To prevent a hyphen from ending a syllable

In certain situations, you may not want NotePad to assume that a hyphen is the end of a syllable.

An elision is when two or more syllables are sung under the same note, such as in a folk song, chant or foreign language. Because NotePad will advance to the next note if you enter a space, you’ll need to add an invisible syllable or hard space between the two real syllables. You can also use this method to place verse numbers with the first syllable.

To create invisible syllables when typing lyrics



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