You are here: Reference > Tools > Tuplet tool

Tuplet tool


What it does

This tool on the Main tool palette lets you create, edit, and adjust the positions of tuplets. (The word tuplet describes a class of irregular note divisions such as triplets, quintuplets, or septuplets.) The Simple Tuplet tool found on the Simple Entry palette has similar, but more limited functions. You can use the Tuplet tool to describe a tuplet’s rhythmic definition (how many quarter notes in the space of a half note, for example). See Tuplets for full instructions.

Once tuplets have been added to your score, they intelligently adjust to avoid collision with notes and will follow the contour of the accompanying notation.

Special mouse clicks

Contextual menus

Contextual menus are reached by control-clicking on the handle of an object. A contextual menu will be displayed where you can select various items.


menu item

What it does

Edit Tuplet Definition

Displays the Tuplet Definition dialog box


Delete selected tuplet



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