Text menu (Lyrics tool)

How to get there

Choose the Lyrics tool . The Lyrics menu appears.

What it does

The Lyrics tool Text menu contains options for editing lyric fonts, sizes, styles, and so on, displaying the text as it will appear on the screen and on your printed music. You can also use this menu to add a 'hard space' or 'hard hyphen' instead of using the keyboard shortcuts (OPTION+SPACEBAR for a hard space and OPTION+Hyphen for a hard hyphen).

  • Font. Choose a font face from this submenu for your text.
  • Size. Choose an option from this submenu for the font size for your text. See Size submenu.
  • Style. Choose an option from this submenu for the font style for your text. See Style submenu.
  • Font Settings. Choose this command to display the Font dialog box, which lists all the fonts currently installed on your system. Select the font that you want to use. Finale highlights your selection in the Font list. If you want, you can specify other font settings in the Font dialog box.
  • Insert Hard Space. Choose this command to enter a 'hard space' in your lyrics. A hard space is an invisible character that Finale thinks of as a syllable, even though it’s invisible on the screen. Hard spaces can also be used to combine multiple syllables on a single note or chord, which can be especially useful in notating chant melodies.
  • Insert Hard Hyphen. Choose this command to enter a 'hard hyphen' in your lyrics (instead of pressing ­OPTION+-(hyphen)). A hard hyphen will not separate the word into syllables.
  • Insert Symbol. Choose this menu item to display the Symbol Selection dialog box, where you can see all the characters in the current font. When you select the item, it will be inserted into the current text block.

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Finale 2014 for Mac

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