View menu

How to get there

The View menu is one of Finale’s unchanging menus; that is, it appears regardless of which tool is selected.

What it does

This menu contains commands pertaining to your view of the document, including the three Finale views. You can never change the document itself with the commands in this menu—only modify the way you see it on the screen.

  • Scroll View. Choose this command to switch to Scroll View, which displays your music as one long staff system. Scroll View can be easier to use when you enter music.
  • Page View. Choose this command to switch to Page View, which displays your music exactly as it will be printed: laid out in systems, displaying page -attached as well as measure-attached text blocks and graphics, and stretching the measures as needed so that each line of music is flush with the margins.
  • Page View Style. Use this submenu to customize the appearance of pages in Page View. See Page View Style submenu.
  • Studio View. Choose this command to switch to Studio View, which displays your music as one long staff system (like Scroll View), but is designed for optimal viewing, performance, and real-time control while auditioning playback.
  • Zoom. Use this submenu to specify the size at which you want the score displayed on your screen, expressed as a percentage of its actual size. See Zoom submenu.
  • Bookmarks. Use this submenu to manage markers that provide quick access to a certain page and a precise position on that page, or to a marked measure in the music, with a single command. See Bookmarks submenu.
  • Staff Sets. Use this submenu to manage Scroll View templates that hide the staves you’re not currently editing. See Staff Sets submenu.
  • Tool Sets. Finale’s floating tool palette is extremely flexible. By SHIFT+dragging icons, you can swap icon locations on the palette. If you rearrange the icons, you can tell Finale to memorize their positions (but not the position of the palette itself) as a Tool Set. You can create up to four different configurations of tools per document and switch from one to another instantly. For example, you might arrange the note editing tools together at the top of one tool set. Once you’ve input your music you could switch to a page layout tool set.

    To create and save Tool Sets, first set up the palette the way you want it (as described above). Then, while pressing option, choose Tool Set 1 from the submenu of the Program Tool Set command. You’ve just stored Tool Set 1. Configure the palette in another setup; while pressing option, choose Tool Set 2, and so on. (Finale stores the default tool palette configuration as the Master Tool Set.) To switch from one palette setup to another, choose it’s name from the Select Tool Set submenu.
  • Select Layer. Use this submenu to choose which of the four layersAn independent overlay of music in the same measure. Each Finale document consists of four transparent layers, each of which can contain its own rhythmically independent inner voice. Only one layer can be active (frontmost) at a time, however; the layer selection pop-up menu appears in the lower left corner of your Finale window, indicating which layer is active. Note that each layer may also contain 2 independent voices. you want to edit. See Select Layer submenu.
  • Redraw Screen. Choose this command to force Finale to redraw the screen. Whenever you spot a visual anomaly - a phantom fragment of a slur, for example, or a missing barline - this command usually clears up the problem. Finale automatically redraws the screen after most actions; in general, you'll seldom need to use this command.
  • Grid/Guide. Use this submenu in Page View to control Finale's grids and guides. See Grid/Guide submenu.
  • Out-of-Range Notes. Use this submenu to specify the experience level for all instruments in the score for displaying out-of-range notes. See Out-of-Range Notes submenu.
  • Show. Use this submenu to show or hide certain non-printing information and Finale interface elements. See Show submenu.
  • Select Display Colors. Choose this command to display Preferences - Display Colors, where you can assign colors to different layers as well as to different elements in your score, such as articulations, text blocks, and Smart Shapes. This is useful for differentiating between various objects in order to identify which tools created them, or which layer they belong to. Colors are used for on-screen display only, unless otherwise specified in the Print dialog box.
  • Enter/Exit Full Screen. Choose this command to switch Finale to and from Full Screen mode. In Full Screen, move your mouse pointer to the top of the screen to access Finale’s menus.

See also:

Keyboard shortcuts: View menu

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