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Linked Parts


Important note: Prior to printing Linked Parts, always view them to update multimeasure rests. Doing this ensures there are no missing or extra measures in the printout. Press CtrlAlt. (period) several times - until all the parts have been viewed.


A Linked Part is simply a representation of one or more score staves arranged in a part layout that walks in-step with notation and other changes you make to the score. Although their basic purpose is to eliminate the need to make redundant changes to the score and part separately, their integrated nature offers many other time and labor-saving advantages:

To find out if an element is permanently linked, independent, or intelligently linked, see the Linking Details for Linked Parts chart in the Appendix.


Special mouse clicks and keyboard shortcuts

To create linked parts

Navigating linked parts

To hide an item in the score (and leave it showing in parts)

To show an item in the score (and hide it in all Parts)

To show an item in one part only (and hide it in other parts and the score)

To reposition an item in the score without moving it in parts

To reposition an item in all parts while viewing a part

Expressions in linked parts

Repositioning expressions in linked parts

Show/hide setting for expressions in linked parts

Articulations in linked parts

Measure-attached text in linked parts

Page-attached text in linked parts

Single-page-attached text blocks

Multiple-page-attached text blocks

Page-attached graphics and in linked parts

Single page-attached graphics

Multiple page-attached graphics

Measure-attached graphics in linked parts

Tuplets in linked parts

Smart Shapes in linked parts

Note and notehead-attached Smart Shapes

Measure-attached smart shapes

Repeats in linked parts

Repositioning text repeats

Repositioning ending brackets

Show/hide setting for text repeats and ending brackets

Staff attributes in linked parts

Groups in linked parts

Staff Styles in linked parts

Chords, fretboards, and lyrics in linked parts

Hiding chords/fretboards

Hiding lyrics

Lead sheets in linked parts

Clefs in linked parts

Staff Lists in linked parts

Measure numbers in linked parts

Page-attached ossia measures in linked parts

Measure attributes in linked parts

Page layout in linked parts

To apply page layout settings to multiple parts

Music spacing in linked parts

Multimeasure rests in linked parts

Baseline positioning in linked parts

Adjusting baselines in the score

Adjusting baselines in a part

Baseline context menus

Enharmonics in linked parts

Time signatures in linked parts

Relinking part items to the score

Part names in linked parts

Printing linked parts

Tacet parts


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