You are here: Encyclopedia > E > Enharmonics > To change a note to its enharmonic equivalent (Speedy Entry)

To change a note to its enharmonic equivalent (Speedy Entry)

  1.  Click the Speedy Entry Tool image\Speedy_Entry_Tool.gif, and click the measure in question. The editing frame appears.
  2.  Press the directional arrow keys until the insertion bar and crossbar are positioned squarely on the notehead you want to change. You can also click the notehead with the mouse. If the note you want to change is the only entry, the crossbar does not have to be directly on the notehead.
  3. Press the 9 key. Pressing the 9 key flips a note to its enharmonic equivalent. If you press 9 again while the crossbar is positioned on the changed notehead, the note will flip back to its original identity.
  4. Special feature: If you press Option+9, you’ll also change all other notes on the same line or space in the measure. The crossbar does not have to be on a notehead to use this option.



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