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Garritan Personal Orchestra Finale Edition

To use Garritan Instruments in new scores

To load a Garritan Instrument into the Aria Player for Finale

Choosing the appropriate Garritan sound (Player vs. Solo Instruments)

To add Keyswitches as expressions

General MIDI


To move, reshape, or delete a Smart Shape glissando

To define Glissando Placement settings

To change which glissando is assigned to the palette icon

To create a playback glissando

Grace notes

To create a grace note (Speedy Entry)

To create a grace note (Simple Entry)

To beam grace notes

To change the size of grace notes

To add or remove the slashes from grace notes globally

To add or remove the slashes from individual grace notes

To add a slash to beamed grace notes

To eliminate grace notes from a transcription

To create a graphic only “slashed” grace note

Grand pause

To create a G.P. marking

To move or delete the G.P. marking

To force a break in a multimeasure rest


To export a selected region of music as a graphic

To export full pages of music as graphics (Page View)

To place graphics into the score

To place graphics into the Shape Designer

To assign a graphic to one or more pages

To assign a graphic to a measure

To scale a placed graphic proportionally

To position placed graphics on-screen

To position page-assigned graphics (Graphics Menu)

To position page-assigned graphics (Graphic Attributes dialog box)

To position measure-assigned graphics (Graphic Attributes dialog box)

To position page-assigned graphics on left- and right-facing pages (Graphic Attributes dialog box)

Grids and Guides

To show the grid

To create a guide

To snap to grids and guides

Group names

To create or edit a group name

To position group names (globally)

To reposition group names (individually)

To set the initial font for group names

To hide a group name (full score)


To group staves

To remove a group

To change the attributes of a group

To add staves to a group

To remove staves from a group

To configure a multiple-staff part to collapse

Guitar bends

Guitar Markings

Guitar Notation

To add hammer-ons, pull-offs and other guitar-specific markings

To combine notes with rhythmic notation slashes on one staff

To create pitched slashes (note-by-note method)

To use a MIDI guitar for entry


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