You are here: Encyclopedia > B > Barlines


Use the Staff Tool and the Group Attributes dialog box to draw barlines and set alternate barlines (instead of the barline style selected in the Measure Attributes dialog box) for groups. Use the Measure Tool to set the barlines for staves, and to override the group barline setting. See also Automatic Barlines Plug-in.


To draw the barline on a group

To break a barline between grouped staves

To create one double, dotted, final, or other barline

To change barlines for groups

To change barlines in a selected region (or at regular intervals)

To hide one barline

To hide all barlines (no barline music)

To move a barline

To insert a false or custom barline

To change the thickness of barlines in a document

To correct barline display

To create a double left barline


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