You are here: Encyclopedia > G > Guitar Notation > To combine notes with rhythmic notation slashes on one staff

To combine notes with rhythmic notation slashes on one staff

  1. Choose Layer 2 from layer buttons in the lower-left corner of the screen, and click the Speedy Entry Tool  image\Speedy_Entry_Tool.gif. You’re going to notate the parts that are to display normal noteheads. See Speedy Entry for instructions in using the Speedy Entry Tool.
  2. Click a measure, and enter the notes. For each beat where you’ll want a slash, enter any pitch; we’ll convert them to slashes next so what counts are the rhythms.
  3. Click the Staff Tool image\Staff_Tool.gif, and select the notes that will contain slashes. See Selecting music for more information.
  4. From the Staff menu, choose Define Staff Styles. The Staff Styles dialog box appears.
  5. For Available Styles, choose Rhythmic Notation.
  6. Click the Select button next to Alternate Notation. The Alternate Notation dialog box appears.
  7. Make sure Rhythmic Notation is selected, for Apply to, choose Layer 2, then check all the boxes in the Other Layers section.
  8. Click OK twice to return to the score. See Staff styles for more information.
  9. Now, choose Layer 1 and enter the regular notation as required.



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