You are here: Encyclopedia > D > Downbeats > To alter the key velocity of downbeats

To alter the key velocity of downbeats

  1. From the Window menu, choose Advanced Tools. Click the MIDI Tool  image\MIDI_Tool.gif, and choose Key Velocities from the MIDI Tool menu.
  2. Select the region to be affected. Drag-enclose to select measures, click to the left of the staff to select the entire staff, or choose Select All from the Edit menu.
  3. Choose Alter Feel from the MIDI Tool menu. The Alter Feel dialog box appears.
  4. Enter the desired amount of key velocity alteration (a positive or negative number) in the Downbeats By text box. The range of MIDI key velocity is 0 to 127, so the number you enter here, when added to the existing velocity values of the notes, can’t exceed 127. (If you like, click Percent of Original, and type a percentage value into the Downbeats By text box.)



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