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To assign a text block to one or more pages

  1. Click the Text Tool  image\Text_Tool.gif. The Text menu appears.
  2. Click a text block handle, then choose Frame Attributes from the Text menu. Or, shift-double-click a text block. The Frame Attributes dialog box appears.
  3. Click to select Attach to: Page, if it isn’t already selected.
  4. Select an item from the popup menu. Choose Single Page to show the text block on one page; choose All Pages to show it on every page; or choose Left Pages or Right Pages to show it on left or right pages.
  5. Set the page range. Enter the numbers of the pages where the text block will appear (you’d select Left Pages and 6 Through 10 to show the text block on every left page between pp. 6–10, for instance). To show the text block on a single page, enter the page number in the first page text box. To display the text block through the end of the piece, enter zero in the second text box, or leave the text box empty. For example, to show the text block on every page, starting at page 6, you’d select All Pages and enter 6 Through 10, or enter 6 and leave Through blank.
  6. Use the other settings in the Frame Attributes dialog box to adjust the text block’s position in the score, then click OK to return to the document.



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