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To correct overlapping lyrics

You’ll often discover that some of your lyric syllables overlap—or have more space than they need. You can use the Music Spacing command (which you normally use for respacing the notes in your music) to correct lyric collisions. See Document Options-Music Spacing for more information.

  1. From the Document menu, choose Document Options and select Music Spacing. The Music Spacing options appear.
  2. Verify Lyrics is selected under Avoid Collision items.
  3. Click OK.   
  4. Click the Selection Tool  image\Selection_Tool.gif.
  5. Select the music you want to respace. In general, you’ll want to choose Select All from the Edit menu, so that all staves are highlighted. (If you select only the lyric staff, for example, you could get unexpected spacing in other staves, because the Music Spacing command sets the measure widths for all staves according to the spacing of the selected region.)
  6. From the Music Spacing submenu of the Utilities menu, choose either Apply Beat Spacing or Apply Note Spacing . For a description of the differences between the two options, see Document Options-Music Spacing. they work equally well in correcting lyric overlaps. This process takes time. When the Selection Tool cursor disappears, however, you’ll find that your music has been carefully respaced, with no lyric collisions.



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