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Figured bass

You can create figured bass symbols with the same Finale tools you’d use to create fingerings (see Fingering numbers).

You might prefer, however, to create them as chord symbols, because chord suffixes in Finale also allow you to “stack” numbers on top of each other within a single suffix. See Chord Symbols. As you define each chord symbol, remember to de-select the Root Scale Tone checkbox in the Chord Definition dialog box, so that the letter name itself doesn’t appear in the chord symbol. That is, create the suffix (maj7, for example) without the root letter name (C, for example). Or use this chord-suffix method only for the inversion numerals, and use the Lyrics Tool to place the roman numerals; this combination of tools gives you a great deal of control over the positioning of these two independent elements (roman numerals and inversion numbers). See Lyrics. See also the Figured Bass Library in the Chord Suffixes Library folder for a starting point.

You might also consider using the Shape Designer to create figured-bass numerals, since it allows you to combine text elements in any relationship. Place these shapes into the score as expressions.

If you’re handy with a font-making program, you could even create your own figured-bass font, whose characters you could place in your score as Articulations or expressions. See also the Alternative music fonts for some professional figured bass fonts.



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