You are here: Encyclopedia > C > Courtesy key signatures > To hide the end-of-line courtesy key change (globally)

To hide the end-of-line courtesy key change (globally)

When a key change occurs at the end of a line of music, it’s customary to display the new key signature at the very end of the system, as well as at the beginning of the following system. This end-of-the-line key signature is sometimes known as a cautionary, or courtesy, key signature.

Some musicians prefer to omit this end-of-line warning and let the key change (on the next line) stand on its own. Then, too, sometimes one movement (or piece) ends and another begins on the same page; if the new movement begins in a different key, you wouldn’t necessarily want the new key signature to appear in the last measure of the preceding movement. In either case, take the following steps.

  1. From the Document menu, choose Document Options and select Key Signatures. The Key Signature Options appear.
  2. Click Display Courtesy Key Signature at End of Staff System, so that it’s no longer selected. Click OK (or press return).



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