Text Repeat Assignment



How to get there

Click the Repeat Tool  image\Repeat_Tool.gif, and double-click a measure. When the Repeat Selection dialog box appears, double-click one of the displayed text repeats (if any). (If none appear, click Create to create your own, type the repeat text; click OK, then double-click the new text repeat.) If you’ve placed a text repeat in the score, you can also double-click its handle (or right-click its handle and choose Edit Repeat Assignment) to enter this dialog box.

What it does

A text repeat is a piece of text that functions as a fully operational repeat marking, such as "To Coda," "D.S. al Coda," and "D.C." You can either design your own or use the ones in the Text Repeats Library provided with Finale, which you can load into your piece by choosing Load Library from the File Menu.

Once you’ve selected a text repeat by double-clicking it, this dialog box appears, where you can define its playback effect and positioning. If you simply want it to appear as a graphic marking (with no playback function), just click OK without changing anything in the dialog box.

See Also:

Repeats (barlines and text indications)

Repeat Designer

Repeat Selection

Repeat Tool

